George Michael a murit in ziua Craciunului la varsta de doar 53 de ani. Cantaretul a lansat unele dintre cele mai frumoase melodii din lume, piese ce vor ramane vesnic in inimile fanilor sai.

In memoria lui, pe langa citatele minunate adunate am decis sa facem si un top cu cele mai speciale melodii ale marelui artist.

1. Wham!, "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" (1984)

2. "Careless Whisper" (1984)

3. Wham!, "Everything She Wants" (1984)

4. Wham!, "Last Christmas" (1985)

5. Wham!, "The Edge of Heaven" (1986)

6. Aretha Franklin and George Michael, "I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)" (1987)

7. "I Want Your Sex" (1987)

8. "One More Try" (1988)

9. Elton John feat. George Michael, "Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me" (1991)

10. Queen feat. George Michael, "Somebody to Love" (1992)

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