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Festivalul de teatru T4T

T4T - Festivalul Theater For Teenagers

Festivalul T4T de teatru în limba englezã pentru adolescenþi ajunge în anul 2009 la cea de-a 11-a ediþie! Vã invitãm sã luaþi parte ca spectatori sau ca posibili participanþi la ediþia aceasta de T4T, organizatã în parteneriat cu Teatrul Naþional din Timiºoara, Consiliul Judeþean Timiº ºi Consiliul Local.
Festivalul va avea loc în Timiºoara între 11-17 aprilie 2009; vor participa aproximativ 12 trupe din România ºi o trupã internaþionalã.
Dacã sunteþi interesaþi sã participaþi sau aveþi orice întrebare legatã de T4T, vã rugãm sã ne contactaþi prin e-mail la sau prin telefon la 0740560791.

AT4T has the pleasure of inviting you to the 11th edition of T4T Theater Festival for Teenagers, organized in partnership with The National Theater of Timisoara, the City Council and the Timis County Council. The festival will take place in Timisoara between the 11th and the 17th of April.
Participation is open to groups of 10 teenagers aged 14-19 who are to perform on stage, accompanied by two support crew members (lights and sound) one of whom must be the group coordinator (teacher or high school graduate). The length of the performance should not exceed 40 minutes.
A theme will be set for the entire festival. All submitted plays will have to illustrate the given theme in an original manner. The theme will soon be sent to all participants.
The deadline for sending the application file is the 10th of January. You should either send it by mail to Teodora Mihalcioiu, Aleea Sagetii, nr. 5, scara B, ap. 8, cod postal 300417 or by e-mail to

The application file must contain:

The title and author of the play;
The script ( no longer than 10 pages, font Arial 12, 1,5 between lines)
The cast
List of props, sound and light requirements (the technical support we provide is basic)
A video recording (on CD) containing the highlights of the play (10 minutes), including all the characters.
A director’s motivation emphasizing the originality of the group’s approach to the theme (100 words)

The jury of selection’s decision will be announced on the 15th of January 2009, and you will be notified whether you have been accepted or not.
The participation fee is 50 / PERSON RON and there is a damage fee of 20 / PERSON RON, returnable before departure.
We cover the costs of meals and accommodation.
If you are interested in participating or have any questions about T4T, please contact Teodora Mihalcioiu, by e-mail at or phone 0740560791.

Conceptul celei de-a 11a ediþii:

Jack White:

He is the start and the end of the play. Why? Because he's the curtain man. He's the one that knows every single play by heart.

He hasn't been a colour in a play...that's why he's white.
He hasn't been a sound in a concert...that's why he's noise.
He hasn't been a movement in a choreography, that's why he's chaos.

Bring him out!

Cast him a role in your play and help him find his COLOUR, SOUND and MOVEMENT.

Festival theme: COLOUR, SOUND and MOVEMENT
Motto: Bring them out!

Postat pe 10 Decembrie 2008 23:44
Aria de comunicare a asociaþiei AT4T revine cu noutãþi legate de personalitãþile ºi persoanele care vor lua parte la cea de-a 11-a ediþie a T4T-ului, festival de teatru în limba englezã pentru adolescenþi.

Trupele participante s-au stabilit ca fiind urmãtoarele:
A.C.T. – Bacãu, All the Same – Timiºoara, Atelierul de Teatru – Botoºani, Black Juice – Braºov, Brainstorming – Bucureºti, Heavenly Hell – Timiºoara, Hooleelogans – Timiºoara, The Knockers – Suceava, Morphia – Craiova, Nobodys Group – Bacãu, Sigma Art – Bucureºti, Teen Act - Piatra Neamþ.

Anul acesta, pe lângã trupele participante în concursul efectiv, respectiv cele care intrã în jurizare, comitetul de selecþie a mai ales douã trupe cu mai puþinã experienþã în acest domeniu, pentru a-i ghida într-o posibilã carierã de teatru sau doar pentru a le da oportunitatea de a avea o experienþã mai elaboratã din acest punct de vedere, ºi anume, Encore (Bicaz), iar cealaltã The Freestylers (Buziaº).

Aºteptãm ca pânã la începutul lunii martie sã avem confirmãri ale juriului. Aceste personalitãþi sunt urmãtoarele:
Maia Morgenstern, Bebe Cotimanis, Marcel Iureº, Marius Florea Vizante, Alexandru Potocean, Coca Bloos, Mihaela Ularu, Cezara Popovici.

Lista de traineri îi conþine pe urmãtorii studenþi, absolvenþi sau tineri cu experienþã în teatru:
Erwin Simsensohn - trainer pe regie cu coordonatorii trupelor, Alex Pavel, Andrei Merchia, Vlad ªpilca, Victoria Rãileanu, Mircea Postelnicu, Bogdan Untilã, Andrei Cococeanu, ªtefan Huluba, Ana Maria Irimia, Raluca Ghervan, Alexandru Mãzgãreanu, Adrian Nicolae, Ana Ularu, Vasile Flutur.

Postat pe 4 Martie 2009 16:17
Postat pe 13 Mai 2009 17:43
Mai vine si la anu ?

Si festivalul UNATC a fost dragut :)

A mai fost careva ? ( desi sala a fost cam goala la vre-o 2 zile din festival :( )
Postat pe 4 August 2009 03:52


Subiect Mesaje Ultimul Mesaj
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natura moarta cu nepot obez 2 De la: Cassey 13 Mai 2009 17:43