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6 lamai pe zi stoarse in 3 litri de apa - slabit 23 de kg!

ups..gresii, nu aici vrusem sa postez
Postat pe 26 Octombrie 2009 10:08
dar cu stomacul cum ramane??????ce faceti cu aciditatea ???unde vreti sa ajungeti ????nu mai postati asemenea aberatii ca nenorociti lumea .....puneti frana la asemenea 2 lei....
Postat pe 14 Martie 2010 16:03
Lucia draga mea, inainte de a te grabii sa acuzi ar trebui sa cercetezi cum e cu aciditatea asta de la lamii. Orice suc acid organic (de la orice fructa inclusiv otet din mere) in organism se transforma in baza.

problema nu e aciditatea din stomac si faptul ca atit de multe lamii pot ataca smaltul dintilor.
Desi considerind dilutia...s-ar putea sa mearga.
Postat pe 14 Martie 2010 18:24
Parca nu e mult,in 3 l de apa ,6 lamai.Bei toata ziua.cred ca nu e rau
Postat pe 15 Martie 2010 15:05
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-14 18:24:42Lucia draga mea, inainte de a te grabii sa acuzi ar trebui sa cercetezi cum e cu aciditatea asta de la lamii. Orice suc acid organic (de la orice fructa inclusiv otet din mere) in organism se transforma in baza.

problema nu e aciditatea din stomac si faptul ca atit de multe lamii pot ataca smaltul dintilor.
Desi considerind dilutia...s-ar putea sa mearga.

de unde ai scos tu ca orice acid organic se transforma in organism in baza?revolutionezi chimia?mananca tu 6 lamai, si vezi pe pielea ta daca se transforma in baza sau nu.
Postat pe 15 Martie 2010 15:25
Draga healty6968, eu maninc de ani de zile si sunt OK.
Dar stai putin, am gresit, nu maninc lamiia ci beau sucul.E cu totul altceva.
Si da, mai invata, acidul organic in stomac se transforma in solutie alcalina!!!!!! Ia spune-ne tu ce este o solutie alcalina? Deci dragilor, lamiia (si toate fructele/legumele) contine acid citric dar toate cele mentionate mai sus sunt alimente alcaline.Si cind spun alument ma refer la ceva care se poate ingera.
Sigura reactie negativa este asupra dintilor cind stai cu dintii infipti in lamiie si sugi zeama. Capisci?

Vrei sa-ti mai dau si alte detalii despre chimie?
Postat pe 15 Martie 2010 17:47
ai slabit 23 de kg dar i cat timp?
Postat pe 15 Martie 2010 20:51
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 09:03
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-15 17:47:13Draga healty6968, eu maninc de ani de zile si sunt OK.
Dar stai putin, am gresit, nu maninc lamiia ci beau sucul.E cu totul altceva.
Si da, mai invata, acidul organic in stomac se transforma in solutie alcalina!!!!!! Ia spune-ne tu ce este o solutie alcalina? Deci dragilor, lamiia (si toate fructele/legumele) contine acid citric dar toate cele mentionate mai sus sunt alimente alcaline.Si cind spun alument ma refer la ceva care se poate ingera.
Sigura reactie negativa este asupra dintilor cind stai cu dintii infipti in lamiie si sugi zeama. Capisci?

Vrei sa-ti mai dau si alte detalii despre chimie?

Draga Aemulus, acidul organic nu se transforma in solutie alcalina asa pur si simplu.Acidul din fruct este intotdeauna asociat cu un alcalin care, in combinatie cu acidul, il neutralizeaza pentru a forma un element foarte util.Din aceasta cauza, celor care au probleme cu stomacul li se recomanda ca inaintea consumarii unui aliment sau medicament ce contine acid acetic ( ex:aspirina)sa ia un pansament gastric ( iar celor cu ulcer le este interzisa consumarea alimentelor ce contin acid acetic).

In privinta lectiilor de chimie, nu prea ai cum sa-mi dai caci din greseala cam am tangenta cu chimia ( si destul de mult ).
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 15:18
De la: madamadalina2007, la data 2010-03-17 09:03:14DAR DIN CEI 3 L BEI TOATA ZIUA SAU TOATA CANTITATEA DIMINEATA PE STOMACUL GOL,

logic ca toata ziua...
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 15:25
De la: healthy006968, la data 2010-03-17 15:18:20
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-15 17:47:13Draga healty6968, eu maninc de ani de zile si sunt OK.
Dar stai putin, am gresit, nu maninc lamiia ci beau sucul.E cu totul altceva.
Si da, mai invata, acidul organic in stomac se transforma in solutie alcalina!!!!!! Ia spune-ne tu ce este o solutie alcalina? Deci dragilor, lamiia (si toate fructele/legumele) contine acid citric dar toate cele mentionate mai sus sunt alimente alcaline.Si cind spun alument ma refer la ceva care se poate ingera.
Sigura reactie negativa este asupra dintilor cind stai cu dintii infipti in lamiie si sugi zeama. Capisci?

Vrei sa-ti mai dau si alte detalii despre chimie?

Draga Aemulus, acidul organic nu se transforma in solutie alcalina asa pur si simplu.Acidul din fruct este intotdeauna asociat cu un alcalin care, in combinatie cu acidul, il neutralizeaza pentru a forma un element foarte util.Din aceasta cauza, celor care au probleme cu stomacul li se recomanda ca inaintea consumarii unui aliment sau medicament ce contine acid acetic ( ex:aspirina)sa ia un pansament gastric ( iar celor cu ulcer le este interzisa consumarea alimentelor ce contin acid acetic).

Si eu beau suc de lamaie, dar niciodata fara sa mananc.

In privinta lectiilor de chimie, nu prea ai cum sa-mi dai caci din greseala cam am tangenta cu chimia ( si destul de mult ).

Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 15:33
Tu draga mea ai cam trecut prin chimie ca rata prin apa dar e OK.Nimeni nu e perfect.
Si nu confunda acidul acetic (aspirina de pilda) cu acidul organic din fructe.
Spre cunostinta ta iti spun ca se recomanda sa-ti incepi masa cu o fructa (si toate au mai mult sau mai putin acid in compozitie) tocmai pentru a-ti asigura un strat alcalin pe peretii stomacului.

Si sper ca tangenta care o ai tu cu chimia nu este pe linie medicala ca e vai si amar de capul celor care beneficiaza de sfaturile tale.
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 17:40
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-17 17:40:03Tu draga mea ai cam trecut prin chimie ca rata prin apa dar e OK.Nimeni nu e perfect.
Si nu confunda acidul acetic (aspirina de pilda) cu acidul organic din fructe.
Spre cunostinta ta iti spun ca se recomanda sa-ti incepi masa cu o fructa (si toate au mai mult sau mai putin acid in compozitie) tocmai pentru a-ti asigura un strat alcalin pe peretii stomacului.

Si sper ca tangenta care o ai tu cu chimia nu este pe linie medicala ca e vai si amar de capul celor care beneficiaza de sfaturile tale.
hm,acid acetic=aspirina,poate la matematica ca la chimie nu are cum,pune mana si citeste ca te faci de ras.Fructele se consuma intre mesa.mama ,sunt sigur ca ,Coana Leana sa rasuceste in mormant cate tampenii debitati.adica voi sunteti peste ea,in materie de chimie.
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 21:27
Wow nene Ene, tind sa cred ca avea dreptate 4life in ce te priveste.

si da, ai perfecta dreptate si-mi cer scuze ca furata de peisaj am spus
acic aceti=aspirina.

acid acetic=otet
acid acetilsalicilic=aspirina.

Dar in afara de asta nu ai nici un dram de dreptate.
Si tind sa cred ca nu de la Forever ai invatat chestia cu fructele intre mese (care by the way, dau senzatia de balonare, discomfort din cauza fermentarii acidului citric din fructe in prezenta zaharului din alimentele ingerate inainte)

Dar dupa cum am mai spus, nimeni nu e perfect, nici macar eu!
Postat pe 17 Martie 2010 22:32
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-17 22:32:28Wow nene Ene, tind sa cred ca avea dreptate 4life in ce te priveste.

si da, ai perfecta dreptate si-mi cer scuze ca furata de peisaj am spus
acic aceti=aspirina.

acid acetic=otet
acid acetilsalicilic=aspirina.

Dar in afara de asta nu ai nici un dram de dreptate.
Si tind sa cred ca nu de la Forever ai invatat chestia cu fructele intre mese (care by the way, dau senzatia de balonare, discomfort din cauza fermentarii acidului citric din fructe in prezenta zaharului din alimentele ingerate inainte)

Dar dupa cum am mai spus, nimeni nu e perfect, nici macar eu!
ehe,de acetic la acetilsalicilic e cale lunga,dar intre timp ai cautat pe google pentru a repara ineptia comentez ideile nesimtite.
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 08:26
apoi, n-ai cum face confuzia intre acid acetic si acid acetilsalicilic, nici chiar "furata de peisaj". Unde mai pui, afirmatia ta, ca ai "tangente cu chimia" ...probabil, cam cat avea Elena Impuscata
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 08:36
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-17 17:40:03Tu draga mea ai cam trecut prin chimie ca rata prin apa dar e OK.Nimeni nu e perfect.
Si nu confunda acidul acetic (aspirina de pilda) cu acidul organic din fructe.
Spre cunostinta ta iti spun ca se recomanda sa-ti incepi masa cu o fructa (si toate au mai mult sau mai putin acid in compozitie) tocmai pentru a-ti asigura un strat alcalin pe peretii stomacului.

Si sper ca tangenta care o ai tu cu chimia nu este pe linie medicala ca e vai si amar de capul celor care beneficiaza de sfaturile tale.

Eu nu lucrez in sanatate, dar chimie stiu mult mai multa decat tine ( asta e specialitatea mea).Am sa-ti povestesc cate ceva despre acidul acetic sau etanoic( se mai numeste si asa) ca sa nu mai scrii aberatiile care le-ai scris.Acidul acetic este un acid organic, este un acid monocarboxilic ( monocarboxilic inseamna ca ,contine o singura grupa functionala carboxil COOH).Formula chimica a cidului acetic este CH3-COOH.Uita-te bine la formula si explica-mi unde este partea alcalina a acestui acid.Poate descoperi tu ce nu au descoperit altii ( uite asa iei un premiu Nobel).Baza conjugata a acidului acetic este CH3COO- (se obtine prin reactia dintre acid si un metal sau o sare a unui acid mai slab sau a oricarui compus care reactioneaza cu acidul acetic)
In legatura cu aspirina sau acidul acetil salicic, mai documenteaza-te ( sunt doi compusi chimici total diferiti).Daca doresti iti spun cum se obtine si acidul acetilsalicilic, dar este deja prea multa informatie data gratis.

Si apropo de medicina...consuma tu lamai( ca aici este vorba strict despre lamaie) fara sa mananci inainte si sa ne spui si noua cum te simti( cam dupa o luna).Poate simti alcalinitatea acidului pe propria-ti piele.
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 15:57
Deci e nevoie de o precizare, sau chiar mai multe.

Duduia healty6968 e cea care a spus ca are "tangente cu chimia" in mesajul din 17/03/10 ora 15:18:20
Furata de peisaj am fost tot din cauza duduii cu pricina care spune "medicament ce contine acid acetic ( ex:aspirina)" in aceasi zi la ora 15:33:41

Nu-ti trebuie sa mergi pe Google ca sa gasesti denumirea chimica a otetului sau aspirinei ca le inveti in liceu (pentru cine a facut un liceu), dar chiar asa fiind, inseamna ca nu-s prosta rau daca stiu sa caut pe Google, nu?
Ia spune duduie cum ai gasit matele formulele de la acid acetic, acid acetisalicilic ?

Nene Ene, care sunt ideile mele nesimtite? Aia cu mincatul fructelor/legumelor crude inainte de masa? Pai mai ai de invata nene, mai citeste si matale, chiar si pe Google.

In rest dragilor, va doresc sanatate si spor la studiat.
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 17:49
Cristinne, tu vezi ce avalansa de mesaje ai creat? Pai asta e comunicare, nu?

Ma repet pentru cine nu pricepe din prima: eu consum in fiecare dimineata pe stomacul gol zeama de lamiie proaspat produsa in apa cu miere de albine. De ani de zile.
Multumesc chimiei pe care o stiu, nu am mai fost racita din 2000 (dupa care am inceput aceasta cura la recomandare unei persoane intelepte), si in general nu am mai avut probleme de sanatate de atunci.Excesul de vitamina C naturala imi asigura imunitatea mea si a familiei mele pentru ca am uitat sa va spun ca si copii mei fac acelasi lucru ca mine.Mai facem pauze cind ni se "acreste" si o luam de la capat.

Faptul ca nu stiti un lucru e normal, faptul ca nu vreti sa studiati sa vedeti ca am dreptate e incapatinarea aia romaneasca care duce la prostie.
Eu nu am nevoie sa ma credeti, e treaba voastra.Daca sunteti ferivciti in micimea cunostintelor voastre e OK, dar e pacat. Toata viata invatam ceva nou.
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 17:56
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-17 22:32:28Wow nene Ene, tind sa cred ca avea dreptate 4life in ce te priveste.

Dar in afara de asta nu ai nici un dram de dreptate.
Si tind sa cred ca nu de la Forever ai invatat chestia cu fructele intre mese

astea mi se par pareri nesimtite si tendentioase,te deranjeaza sursele mele de informare sau te deranjeaza FOREVER-UL?
Postat pe 18 Martie 2010 21:16
Forever e o companie serioasa si produsele lor sunt de inalta calitate.
Din pacate cei care le vind lasa de dorit.
Postat pe 19 Martie 2010 03:50
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-19 03:50:49Forever e o companie serioasa si produsele lor sunt de inalta calitate.
Din pacate cei care le vind lasa de dorit.
si care sunt cei care le vand,de vanzare se ocupa TOT firma?Eu nu am dezbatut cu dumneata probleme legate de produse sau firma,am adus contraargumente la ineptiile debitate,poate ca din acest motiv sunt o gramada de bolnavi disperati si care arunca cu gunoi in cuvintele oamenilor.
Postat pe 19 Martie 2010 13:03
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-18 17:49:12Deci e nevoie de o precizare, sau chiar mai multe.

Duduia healty6968 e cea care a spus ca are "tangente cu chimia" in mesajul din 17/03/10 ora 15:18:20
Furata de peisaj am fost tot din cauza duduii cu pricina care spune "medicament ce contine acid acetic ( ex:aspirina)" in aceasi zi la ora 15:33:41

Nu-ti trebuie sa mergi pe Google ca sa gasesti denumirea chimica a otetului sau aspirinei ca le inveti in liceu (pentru cine a facut un liceu), dar chiar asa fiind, inseamna ca nu-s prosta rau daca stiu sa caut pe Google, nu?
Ia spune duduie cum ai gasit matele formulele de la acid acetic, acid acetisalicilic ?

Nene Ene, care sunt ideile mele nesimtite? Aia cu mincatul fructelor/legumelor crude inainte de masa? Pai mai ai de invata nene, mai citeste si matale, chiar si pe Google.

In rest dragilor, va doresc sanatate si spor la studiat.

Draga doamna, formulele de la acidul acetic respectiv acidul acetil salicilic nu le-am gasit ci le-am invatat. Am studiat chimia si lucrez in domeniu cam de 15 ani ( unde lucrez acum daca nu as stii chimie n-as sta nici macar 5 minute).Nu te-am facut proasta ( nu-mi permit sa jignesc persoane pe care nu le cunosc si nici pe cele care le cunosc), ti-am explicat cum e cum acizii pentru ca ai fost foarte ironica intr-unul din comentarii( acolo unde imi ceri definitia solutiilor alcaline si unde imi transmiti ca am trecut prin chimie ca gasca prin apa).Si sa stii ca aspirina contine int-run procent mai mic si acid acetic.Este foarte bine daca intri pe Google si te informezi, dar nu jigni persoanele care mai posteaza comentarii.

Si in legatura cu fructele... si eu si familia mea consumam foarte multe fructe.Fac foarte bine organismului si cresc imunitatea ( macar aici suntem de acord), dar stiu persoane care mancau 5-6 lamai pe zi( ca sa slabeasca), fara sa manance altceva, si au slabit dar au facut si ulcer.Asta doream sa subliniez, sa consume lamai dar si mancare.

va doresc o zi buna si multa sanatate.
Postat pe 19 Martie 2010 15:41
imi pare rau ca trebuie sa pun textele ce urmeaza in engleza, sper ca puteti intelege ideea.
Din pacate nu am timp sa traduc dar daca trebuie...

"The citrus fruits have more benefits than others. The lemon has great benefits as well as the juice of the lemon as well. Either fresh squeezed lemons or store bought lemon juice have the same type of benefits. Lemon juice is good for a source of Vitamin C. One health benefit is that lemons and lemon juice can protect your body against germs and bacteria.

Lemon juice is very high in citric acid, which helps the body fight off colds. Lemons and the juice also acts as an antioxidants. Lemon juice is also a liver stimulant and can control irritable bowel syndrome. It can control conditions like constipation and diarrhea. It can also help in helping heart burn, some bloating and even helping in subsiding gas pains.

Lemon juice diluted with water can be very beneficial for pregnant women; it actually helps build the bones in the unborn child. Lemon juice also has potassium, which the health benefits are that they help the brain and nerve cells. Believe it or not lemons and in turn lemon juice also contain calcium, which is great for your bones and teeth. With the amount of magnesium it can help you treat other ailments such as asthma, colds, scurvy, fever and heartburn."
Postat pe 20 Martie 2010 03:42
si inca:

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

After visiting some friends recently who drank copious amounts of water spiked with fresh organic limes and lemons from trees in their yard and freely offered this delicious concoction to all their guests, the following article reminded me of the value of our mutual dedication to planetary health and wellness through simple healthful remedies.

There are basic lifestyle habits that are important to incorporate into your daily life, and this is certainly one of them. However, we are talking about organic lemons that are tree ripened. If you are buying commercial lemons from the store, learn kinesiology and muscle test the lemons you buy so that you know one way or another whether the lemons you are purchasing are actually therapeutic for you.

by Ann Heustad, R.N.

“When life gives you a lemon... squeeze it, mix it with six ounces of distilled water and drink twice daily.”

The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

“The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities.”

Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.

On page 659 of Back to Eden, Mr. Kloss points out that, “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good in cases of malaria. Sufferers of chronic rheumatism and gout will benefit by taking lemon juice, also those who have a tendency to bleed, uterine hemorrhages, etc.; rickets and tuberculosis. In pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child. We find that the lemon contains certain elements which will go to build up a healthy system and keep that system healthy and well. As a food, we find, owing to its potassium content, it will nourish the brain and nerve cells. Its calcium builds up the bony structure and makes healthy teeth.

“Its magnesium, in conjunction with calcium, has an important part to play in the formation of albumen in the blood. The lemon contains potassium 48.3, calcium 29.9, phosphorus 11.1, magnesium 4.4. Lemons are useful in treating asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throat, diphtheria, la grippe [flu or influenza], heartburn, liver complaint[s], scurvy, fevers and rheumatism.”

Since many people today suffer from what they used to call biliousness, it is important to edify our readers to the definition.

Biliousness -- 1. A symptom of a disorder of the liver causing constipation, headache, loss of appetite and vomiting of bile. 2. excess of bile; a bilious fever.

Why the lemon works so well

On page 19 of A.F. Beddoe's book “Biological Ionization in Human Nutrition,” he states that: “Man does not live off the food he eats but off of the energy that is produced from the food he eats.”

The energy you get from your food comes from the atoms and molecules of energy in your food. A reaction takes place as cationic food enters the digestive tract and encounters anionic digestive enzymes.

To explain further, an ion is part of a molecule con-atom or a group of atoms that carry an electrical charge. Ions which carry negative charges are “anions.” Lemons are considered to be anionic, having more anions (negatively charged ions) of energy as compared to cations (positively charged ions) in their atomic structure. Saliva, hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomach's other digestive juices are also anionic.

Lemon is one of the only foods on the planet that has more anions than cations in its atomic structure.

When considering the electromagnetic properties of food Dr. Beddoe points out that all foods are considered cationic with the exception of fresh, raw lemon juice. Some have suggested that the reason fresh lemon juice is similar to digestive enzymes is due to the low amount of sulfur in lemons. It should be noted that pasteurized and packaged lemon juice is cationic and, therefore, ineffective as a health remedy.

Who Can Benefit From Lemon Water

Dr. Beddoe continues on page 194: “Lemon water is used in every person that can tolerate it. That is, if there is no allergy to lemon (a very few have a true allergy to lemon) and no active ulcers, then all adults and most children should use the lemon water. The purpose of the lemon is to:

a) provide a natural strengthening agent to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute.

b) The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element.

c) The lemon helps fix oxygen and calciums in the liver because it regulates blood carbohydrate levels which affect the blood oxygen levels.”

In the above book, Dr. Beddoe also cites an article by Dr. Michael Lesser on the medical promise of citric acid in “Anabolism, Journal of Preventive Medicine.” He uses this article to validate the value of using fresh lemon juice daily: “It appears that citric acid, the major carrier of biochemicals in the body's energy system, shows important promise, primarily because of its excellent properties as a chelator. Its ability to form soluble complexes with calcium offers major promise in the successful treatment of pancreatic stones and has also been employed to dissolve kidney stones. Since calcium deposits are of major significance in the much greater problem of hardening of the arteries, citric acid may possibly contribute to a safe and effective reversal of this widespread degenerative disease.”

Even though medical doctors are not currently employing lemon juice in the treatment of the above conditions, this article substantiates the fact that one of the benefits of fresh lemon water is the way the citric acid is able to act upon the body's systems differently than any other food.

Lemon Remedies Published by Jethro Kloss in Back to Eden

* For sore throat, dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.

* A slice of lemon bound over a corn overnight will greatly relieve the pain.

* A slice of lemon bound over a felon [pus formation on a finger joint] will not fail to bring the pus to the surface where it can be easily removed.

* To relieve asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.

* For liver complaints, the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.

* To break up la grippe [flu or influenza], drink a large glass of hot water with the juice of a lemon added, while at the same time have the feet in a deep bucket or other vessel of water with mustard added to it. The water should be deep enough to where it comes nearly up to the knees. Keep adding hot water to the patient's tolerance and until the patient begins to perspire freely (about 20-30 minutes). Be sure there is no draft on the person while this is done. The patient should be near a bed so he can get in it easily and avoid any danger of getting chilled. If convenient, a full hot bathtub would be good in place of the foot-bath. The lemon water should be taken every hour until the patient feels that all the symptoms of the cold are gone.

* A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water relieves heartburn.

* For rheumatism, one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day: one hour before meals and at bedtime.

* In cases of hemorrhage, lemon juice diluted in water and taken as cold as possible will stop it.

* Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water every two to four hours.

* In excessive menstruation the juice of three to four lemons a day will help check it. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water.

Mr. Kloss explains how lemon juice can even help someone with stomach ulcers:

“How can one with an inflamed or ulcerated stomach partake in the juice? Would not a strong acid like that of the lemon act as an irritant? That would depend on how it was taken. If in quantity, yes. But to take it very weak at first [diluted sufficiently in water], it will cease to burn. The sufferer afflicted with ulcerated stomach has to use great perseverance to affect a cure, and it can be cured if care and patience is used. The gastric juice in the stomach is four times as strong as lemon juice.”

In these cases, I recommend one to two tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel before the lemon water. Taking 500 mg. of Bromelin has also proven to be helpful.

Buying a sweet lemon

Some lemons are more sweet than others. A rule of thumb for selecting a lemon that is both sweet and high in mineral content, is to pick one that has a high specific gravity measurement and is heavy for its size. By comparing equal-sized fruit, the one with the greatest weight will have the most mineral content and sugar. A thick skinned lemon will not be as heavy as a thin skinned lemon and will not have the desired sweetness or mineral content.

The method I use to ensure the purchase of sweet lemons is to look at the stem end of the lemon. There are two ends on the lemon. One end has a point where the blossom started to grow; the other end has a stem or a dimple where the stem used to be located. On the stem end of a highly mineralized, sweet lemon, you will see little lines radiating out of the stem like sunbeams. These little lines can look like a star shaped structure and is called a calyx. The calyx may have three, four, five or more points to the star. The greater the number of points on the calyx, the higher the mineral content of the lemon.

How much lemon to use

If you are in good health and weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze the juice of one half a lemon (one ounce) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day (one whole lemon a day.) If you weigh over 150 pounds, squeeze the juice out of an entire lemon (two ounces) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day (two whole lemons a day.) The lemon juice can be diluted more according to taste.

To help your body get the energy from the food you are eating, drink lemon water regularly. Next to drinking plain purified water, drinking lemon water daily is the most important thing you can do for your health.
Postat pe 20 Martie 2010 03:46
Stiu ca al doilea articol e cam lung si de asta am sa-mi permit sa traduc o fraza in care se face referire strict la ulcerul stomacal si sucul de lamiie:

“How can one with an inflamed or ulcerated stomach partake in the juice? Would not a strong acid like that of the lemon act as an irritant? That would depend on how it was taken. If in quantity, yes. But to take it very weak at first [diluted sufficiently in water], it will cease to burn. The sufferer afflicted with ulcerated stomach has to use great perseverance to affect a cure, and it can be cured if care and patience is used. The gastric juice in the stomach is four times as strong as lemon juice.”

Ideea acestui pasaj este ca desi ai ulcer stomacal e recomandat sa iei suc de lamiie in dilutie redusa pentru ca sucul gastric este de 4 ori mai puternic decit acidul citric din lamii.

Postat pe 20 Martie 2010 03:52
Va agitati cu informatii nefondate pe seama sucului natural de lamiie, dar stiti cumva ce contine Coca Cola?
Domnisoara chimista poate fi atit de amabila sa ne spuna cit acid fosforic este in 100ml din aceasta bautura?
Stiti ce se intimpla cu o bucatica de carne proaspata lasata intr-un pahar cu coca cola pentru citeva ore?
Si cu toate astea lumea bea Coca Cola.
Ulcerul nu se face de la acidul citric din lamii ci de la surplusul de acid gastric care nu e generat in nici un caz de acidul citric ci de proasta alimentatie, alcool, stres.

Si toate aceste lamuriri le-am pus pentru domnisoara chimista care s-a necajit atit de tare cind am spus ca a trecut ca gisca prin apa prin chimia studiata.
Dupa cum am mai spus, nu e o rusine sa nu stii, e o rusine sa nu vrei sa inveti.
Postat pe 20 Martie 2010 04:00
De la: Aemulus, la data 2010-03-20 03:46:57si inca:

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

After visiting some friends recently who drank copious amounts of water spiked with fresh organic limes and lemons from trees in their yard and freely offered this delicious concoction to all their guests, the following article reminded me of the value of our mutual dedication to planetary health and wellness through simple healthful remedies.

There are basic lifestyle habits that are important to incorporate into your daily life, and this is certainly one of them. However, we are talking about organic lemons that are tree ripened. If you are buying commercial lemons from the store, learn kinesiology and muscle test the lemons you buy so that you know one way or another whether the lemons you are purchasing are actually therapeutic for you.

by Ann Heustad, R.N.

“When life gives you a lemon... squeeze it, mix it with six ounces of distilled water and drink twice daily.”

The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

“The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities.”

Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.

On page 659 of Back to Eden, Mr. Kloss points out that, “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good in cases of malaria. Sufferers of chronic rheumatism and gout will benefit by taking lemon juice, also those who have a tendency to bleed, uterine hemorrhages, etc.; rickets and tuberculosis. In pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child. We find that the lemon contains certain elements which will go to build up a healthy system and keep that system healthy and well. As a food, we find, owing to its potassium content, it will nourish the brain and nerve cells. Its calcium builds up the bony structure and makes healthy teeth.

“Its magnesium, in conjunction with calcium, has an important part to play in the formation of albumen in the blood. The lemon contains potassium 48.3, calcium 29.9, phosphorus 11.1, magnesium 4.4. Lemons are useful in treating asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throat, diphtheria, la grippe [flu or influenza], heartburn, liver complaint[s], scurvy, fevers and rheumatism.”

Since many people today suffer from what they used to call biliousness, it is important to edify our readers to the definition.

Biliousness -- 1. A symptom of a disorder of the liver causing constipation, headache, loss of appetite and vomiting of bile. 2. excess of bile; a bilious fever.

Why the lemon works so well

On page 19 of A.F. Beddoe's book “Biological Ionization in Human Nutrition,” he states that: “Man does not live off the food he eats but off of the energy that is produced from the food he eats.”

The energy you get from your food comes from the atoms and molecules of energy in your food. A reaction takes place as cationic food enters the digestive tract and encounters anionic digestive enzymes.

To explain further, an ion is part of a molecule con-atom or a group of atoms that carry an electrical charge. Ions which carry negative charges are “anions.” Lemons are considered to be anionic, having more anions (negatively charged ions) of energy as compared to cations (positively charged ions) in their atomic structure. Saliva, hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomach's other digestive juices are also anionic.

Lemon is one of the only foods on the planet that has more anions than cations in its atomic structure.

When considering the electromagnetic properties of food Dr. Beddoe points out that all foods are considered cationic with the exception of fresh, raw lemon juice. Some have suggested that the reason fresh lemon juice is similar to digestive enzymes is due to the low amount of sulfur in lemons. It should be noted that pasteurized and packaged lemon juice is cationic and, therefore, ineffective as a health remedy.

Who Can Benefit From Lemon Water

Dr. Beddoe continues on page 194: “Lemon water is used in every person that can tolerate it. That is, if there is no allergy to lemon (a very few have a true allergy to lemon) and no active ulcers, then all adults and most children should use the lemon water. The purpose of the lemon is to:

a) provide a natural strengthening agent to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute.

b) The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element.

c) The lemon helps fix oxygen and calciums in the liver because it regulates blood carbohydrate levels which affect the blood oxygen levels.”

In the above book, Dr. Beddoe also cites an article by Dr. Michael Lesser on the medical promise of citric acid in “Anabolism, Journal of Preventive Medicine.” He uses this article to validate the value of using fresh lemon juice daily: “It appears that citric acid, the major carrier of biochemicals in the body's energy system, shows important promise, primarily because of its excellent properties as a chelator. Its ability to form soluble complexes with calcium offers major promise in the successful treatment of pancreatic stones and has also been employed to dissolve kidney stones. Since calcium deposits are of major significance in the much greater problem of hardening of the arteries, citric acid may possibly contribute to a safe and effective reversal of this widespread degenerative disease.”

Even though medical doctors are not currently employing lemon juice in the treatment of the above conditions, this article substantiates the fact that one of the benefits of fresh lemon water is the way the citric acid is able to act upon the body's systems differently than any other food.

Lemon Remedies Published by Jethro Kloss in Back to Eden

* For sore throat, dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.

* A slice of lemon bound over a corn overnight will greatly relieve the pain.

* A slice of lemon bound over a felon [pus formation on a finger joint] will not fail to bring the pus to the surface where it can be easily removed.

* To relieve asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.

* For liver complaints, the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.

* To break up la grippe [flu or influenza], drink a large glass of hot water with the juice of a lemon added, while at the same time have the feet in a deep bucket or other vessel of water with mustard added to it. The water should be deep enough to where it comes nearly up to the knees. Keep adding hot water to the patient's tolerance and until the patient begins to perspire freely (about 20-30 minutes). Be sure there is no draft on the person while this is done. The patient should be near a bed so he can get in it easily and avoid any danger of getting chilled. If convenient, a full hot bathtub would be good in place of the foot-bath. The lemon water should be taken every hour until the patient feels that all the symptoms of the cold are gone.

* A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water relieves heartburn.

* For rheumatism, one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day: one hour before meals and at bedtime.

* In cases of hemorrhage, lemon juice diluted in water and taken as cold as possible will stop it.

* Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water every two to four hours.

* In excessive menstruation the juice of three to four lemons a day will help check it. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water.

Mr. Kloss explains how lemon juice can even help someone with stomach ulcers:

“How can one with an inflamed or ulcerated stomach partake in the juice? Would not a strong acid like that of the lemon act as an irritant? That would depend on how it was taken. If in quantity, yes. But to take it very weak at first [diluted sufficiently in water], it will cease to burn. The sufferer afflicted with ulcerated stomach has to use great perseverance to affect a cure, and it can be cured if care and patience is used. The gastric juice in the stomach is four times as strong as lemon juice.”

In these cases, I recommend one to two tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel before the lemon water. Taking 500 mg. of Bromelin has also proven to be helpful.

Buying a sweet lemon

Some lemons are more sweet than others. A rule of thumb for selecting a lemon that is both sweet and high in mineral content, is to pick one that has a high specific gravity measurement and is heavy for its size. By comparing equal-sized fruit, the one with the greatest weight will have the most mineral content and sugar. A thick skinned lemon will not be as heavy as a thin skinned lemon and will not have the desired sweetness or mineral content.

The method I use to ensure the purchase of sweet lemons is to look at the stem end of the lemon. There are two ends on the lemon. One end has a point where the blossom started to grow; the other end has a stem or a dimple where the stem used to be located. On the stem end of a highly mineralized, sweet lemon, you will see little lines radiating out of the stem like sunbeams. These little lines can look like a star shaped structure and is called a calyx. The calyx may have three, four, five or more points to the star. The greater the number of points on the calyx, the higher the mineral content of the lemon.

How much lemon to use

If you are in good health and weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze the juice of one half a lemon (one ounce) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day (one whole lemon a day.) If you weigh over 150 pounds, squeeze the juice out of an entire lemon (two ounces) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day (two whole lemons a day.) The lemon juice can be diluted more according to taste.

To help your body get the energy from the food you are eating, drink lemon water regularly. Next to drinking plain purified water, drinking lemon water daily is the most important thing you can do for your health.

beeey Aemulus (al draq de nik bolund ti-ai pus) opreste-te in pl noastra ca deja esti penibila! nu ne intreseaza kakaturile tale de informatii, luate de pe net. Ce mare kakat faci, de la o lamuie! gata, ai demonstrat ce era de demonstrat, opreste-te!...pana nu ma enervez
Postat pe 20 Martie 2010 19:40
Oups, se enerveaza nenea Kyru. Si ce daca?

Postat pe 21 Martie 2010 03:20 ce daca...
Postat pe 21 Martie 2010 17:09


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